
Kindergarten uses the A Beka Book curriculum to teach Language, Bible, History, Science, and Math.


Here at KTA's full day Kindergarten and Elementary, children participate in a school-wide morning devotional. They memorize key scriptures that can apply to where they are in life. All students also participate in Physical Education and Music.

Language Arts- BJU
Bible- Positive Action
Science- BJU (1st & 2nd)
                 A Beka (3rd - 5th)
History- BJU
Spelling- BJU (1st & 2nd)
                 ASCI (3rd - 5th)
Math- BJU
Handwriting- Zaner Bloser

Music                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Band(4th-5th)                                                                                          
Art                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Math Olympics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Spelling Bee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Young Authors                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Before and after school care programs available. See Handbook for details!


Junior High School(6th-8th)

Here at KTA, Junior High students participate in a school-wide morning devotional. They memorize key scriptures that can apply to where they are in life. All students also participate in Physical Education.

Grammar- McDougall
                    Littell (7th & 8th)
Literature- McDougall
                    Littell (7th & 8th)
Language Arts- BJU (6th)
Bible- Positive Action
HIstory- BJU
Science- A Beka (6th)
                 BJU (7th & 8th)
Math- Saxon

Team Sports

Band                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Math Olympics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Spelling Bee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

High School(9th-12th)

Required for Graduation:
3 credits in Mathematics
3 credits in Science
4 credits in English***-see below
3 credits in History
  -1 credit of U.S History
  -1/2 credit of Consumer Ed.
  -1/2 credit of Government
2 credits in Fine Arts
2 credits in Physical Ed.
  -1 1/2 credits of P.E
  -1/2 credit of Health
4 credits in Bible
  -1 credit per H.S year

BJU (formerly Bob Jones University Press), A Beka & Saxon as well as Addison Wesley Chemistry, Houghton Mifflin in upper level math.
English: includes Grammar, Literature, and Speech.

***The regular English credit classes are:
English 9, English 10, American Literature, British Literature.
The subjects included in the above classes are:
 Speech (sophomore), Shakespeare, grammar, vocabulary.

***The elective English classes are:
Photography/Yearbook , Intensive Writing

Bible: Positive Action for Christ & Summit Ministries
History: includes Geography, World History, U.S History, Government, Consumer Ed. and electives such as Americas Wars.

Science: includes Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry,  & Anatomy & Physiology

Mathematics: includes Pre Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Statistics, & Pre-Calculus

Other Electives offered are  Business, Marketing, Cinema & Graphic Design

KTA also offers Eagle Ministries, Band, Art & Spanish I & II.